transfert de la conscience intergenerationel dans les radios communautaire
traspaso de la consciencia intergeneracional en las radios libres?
سرد القصص النسوية بين الاجيال
the coming year, Radio Helsinki 92.6, aims to facilitate intergenerational transfer of knowledge in an informal and orderly oral way, as well as on a standardized written level. Threw interviews done by the new colleagues, an onboarding manual, on-demand workshops and moderated retreats, transformation should be made possible and conclusions should follow for the future.
Lale Rodgarkia-Dara will report live on air and will address the needs of the participating radio producers and organisations in a guided discussion in order to point out individual paths.
@ Feministische Bibliothek MONAliesA
Haus der Demokratie
Bernhard-Göring-Straße 152
04277 Leipzig