voice and speaking experiments with Ariane Zeuner

experiments avec le voix

experimentos con la voz

صحيح؟ تجارب الصوت والكلام من أجل التحدث بسهولة

تجربه‌های صوتی و گفتاری

with Ariane Zeuner

Even in freelance radio, certain genres tempt you to repeat speech patterns over and over again. In the workshop, you will expand your vocal possibilities and use different ways of influencing your voice to gain confidence in front of the microphone. After thorough warm-up exercises for your voice, you will be prepared for the voice course: the aim is to introduce you to exercises that expand your scope for speaking. You will explore and experiment with melody, accent, rhythm, tempo, emotion, body language and timbre as means of expression. Feel free to bring an own text.

Ariane Zeuner (she/her) has a degree in education and is a freelance consultant for communication, voice and radio journalism.

@ Feministische Bibliothek MONAliesA
Haus der Demokratie
Bernhard-Göring-Straße 152
04277 Leipzig

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