feminist hacklab with Yasmin

hacklab feministe

hacklab feminista

نادي الهاكر النسوي

کارگاه فمنیست‌های هکر

with Yasmin

meet other people who are into tech stuff or want to know more about it, get help with your computer troubles, geek about your latest project, all while not having to deal with the casual sexist background noise of a conventional hacker space. yes, this one is only for us, dear fellow queer feminist anarchist hackers!
you can try out linux on your laptop, learn the basics of encryption, install tails on thumb drives, or exchange config files, stories on your experiences and stickers for your devices. you don’t need any prior knowledge, but if you have some, you are also very welcome. Please bring your own Laptop& USB Stick!

Yaz (she/they) is an autodidactic hacker mouse.

@ Radio Blau
Paul-Gruner-Straße 62
04107 Leipzig

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