how to use genderneutral language on the radio with Lann Hornscheidt

comment user la langue neutre de genre dans la radio

cómo usar lenguaje de género neutro en la radio

تحدث بلا جندر في الراديو – هل هذا منطقي؟ مع لان هورنشايت

چگونه از زبان بی‌جنسیت/خنثی‌جنسیت در رادیو استفاده کنیم

with Lann Hornscheidt

Talking about genderneutral language a lot of questions arise: What are reasons and arguments for trying out new forms of language? What makes sense, what doesn’t? What are the possibilities? How do I deal with criticism, reluctance, scorn and ridicule? Why do I want to make my linguistic actions as critical of discrimination as possible? Let’s try and find some answers in this workshop.

Lann Hornscheidt (gender-free, no pronouns or ens) does workshops and lectures, writes books and articles. Lann is active in the discrimination-critical publishing house „w_orten & meer“.

@ Radio Blau
Paul-Gruner-Straße 62
04107 Leipzig

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