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ways to queertopia – an audio walk with Anna Wegricht

chemins á Queertopia – un tour de audio caminos a Queertopia – un correo de audio الطرق إلى كويرتوبيا، المضي قدماً بالطريقة التي نريد أن نعيشها راه‌های رسیدن به آرمانشهر کوییر „کوییرتوپیا“- یک پیاده‌روی شنیداری with Anna Wegricht People have always been preoccupied with ideas of a better world. So far, Utopias have mostly been […]

feminist networking in community radios mit Ulli Weish und Xenia Niki Matita

réseautage féministe dans les radios libres redes feministas en las radios libres ورشة عمل ربط شبكي کارگاه شبکه‌سازی (ایجاد شبکه‌ای از افراد متخصص یا علاقه‌مند) with Ulli Weish und Xenia Niki Matita Experiences of successful and failed projects, high expectations and precarious conditions in late capitalism will be discussed in this workshop. The scenes are […]

Let’s solder some stuff with Sön

Souder des choses soldar كل شيء قابل للحم بیایید کمی جوشکاری کنیم with Sön In this workshop we will have a look at soldering, because sometimes when working with (broken) audio equipment this can be super helpfull! If we have time we might even craft something ourselves. Previous soldering experience is not necessary at all. […]

I heard it through the … – jingle production from audio snippets to a product with Katja Sternberger

production de jingle du extrait audio jusqu’á le produit producción de tintineo desde un fragmento de audio hasta el producto سمعت ذلك من خلال…- إنتاج نغمة من مقطع صوتي إلى منتج خاص اینو از این طریق شنیدم…تولید آهنگ تبلیغاتی – از یادداشت‌های صوتی تا محصول نهایی with Katja Sternberger It’s hard to imagine radio and […]

intergenerational transfer of knowledge in community radios with Lale Rodgarkia-Dara

transfert de la conscience intergenerationel dans les radios communautaire traspaso de la consciencia intergeneracional en las radios libres? چگونه انتقال بین‌نسلی دانش در نهادها/رادیوهای آزاد فمینیستی میسر میشود؟ سرد القصص النسوية بين الاجيال with Lale Rodgarkia-Dara the coming year, Radio Helsinki 92.6, aims to facilitate intergenerational transfer of knowledge in an informal and orderly oral […]

Writing artsy, political and comprehensible for radio/podcasts with Antje Meichsner

écrire un texte artistique, astucieux et compréhensible por radio et podcast escribir un texto artístico, refinado y comprensible para radio y podcast فني وسياسي ومفهوم كتابة للإذاعة/البودكاست چگونه برای رادیو/پاکست دقیق، سیاسی و همه‌فهم بنویسیم with Antje Meichsner In the workshop you will write texts or you bring some with you that you are currently […]

DJ-Workshop with Spindyrella

atelier de DJ taller de DJ کارگاه دی‌جی DJ – ورشة عمل with Spindyrella This DJ workshop is all about smooth transitions, the right BPM’s and glowing cue points. And if you are now thinking: „Huh, what?“, then this workshop is just right for you. We will take a closer look at analogue and digital […]

radio introducion workshop with Kit Priester

introduction á la radio introducción a la radio کارگاه معرفی رادیو ورشة عمل تمهيدية with Kit Priester We’ll take a look at the studio technology, record together and can then cut something (REAPER as an audio editing program) – depending on previous knowledge and wishes. Kit Priester (she/her) does club work at Radio Blue, gives […]

the interview as a safe space with Lena Löhr

l’interview comme un espace sécurisé la entrevista como un espacio seguro مقابلة عن الشعور بالراحة چگونه یک مصاحبه‌ی خوب انجام بدهیم؟ with Lena Löhr An interview as safe space – my counterpart can relax, tell exciting every day stories, rearrange his or her own thoughts and leaves feeling strengthened. How do I prepare myself and […]

REINVENTING GRASSI.SKD – A Museum in Transition (Tour and Workshop)

REINVENTER GRASSI.SKD – un musée en transition REINVENTANDO GRASSI.SKD – un museo en transición إعادة تصميم GRASSI.SKD – متحف في مرحلة انتقالية بازآفرینی GRASSI.SKD – موزه‌ای در حال تحول (تور بازدید و کارگاه) In the tour we discuss how the ethnological museum is changing in the process, towards a network museum. In addition, we will […]